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NaNoWriMo 2013 Completed!


Consistency - keeping my butt in the chair at all costs even if it meant every twenty minutes I had to walk around my home office to stretch my legs and brain.  My new favorite app is the Howler Timer.  Hot coffee and tea can be your friend.  My Naperville writers group cheering me on.  My Facebook friends cheering me on.  iRadio - most recently the Rave channel kept me furiously typing.  Little index cards with the days on them, how many words, and the subtotal.

All these things helped to keep me motivated.

These were the last 29 days of my life.  And only four of them were zero word days.  Not bad.  Not bad at all.

This morning, I woke up knowing I had two days left and 3200 words to write and I didn't want to lose.  So I took my two characters to South Beach Miami in a scene I will plop somewhere in the beginning of the story.  I danced with them at the club, lounged with them by the pool, and added a few chapters that will no doubt help move my plot along but at the very least, got me to 50,140 words.

I don't even want to talk about the fact that the revisions and additional work I have to do will be just as hard as the actual writing but again, a bad day writing is better than a good day at the office (so to speak - still love my job and it pays the bills).  If anything, I've made a lot of head way.  Over the last week, I was sure I'd run out of ideas and this story needs to be at least 80,000 words when all is said and done but I have the start of a good story.

I feel extremely burned out.  I am ready to shove this story back into its virtual drawer for a while so I can go back to a different story, revise one last time, and find me an editor.

Fingers don't fail me now but that's enough writing for now.  Back at it in December.