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Summer Camp!

It’s time to gear up for Camp NaNoWriMo, writers.

You may have read my past blogs about NaNoWriMo, where in the month of November writers furiously work toward a goal of 50,000 words in 30 days.

In July, we do things a little differently. Truly, the best part of Camp NaNoWriMo is that you can set your own goal.

Goals can include word counts, editing a previous project (that’s my focus this July), blog posts, journaling. All that matters is that you’re writing, and hitting your goals.

Frankly, I never really was an outdoorsy person and with the humidity in Chicago, I’m happy to be in the A/C, planting myself behind my computer for the next 31 days and focus on:

  • Completing the Outline for Tame My Racing Heart

  • Writing the middle part and ending

  • Sending off a good portion to my new editor

Tame My Racing Heart: When a championship winning race car driver receives threats, an ex-Marine is hired to protect her.

Tame My Racing Heart: When a championship winning race car driver receives threats, an ex-Marine is hired to protect her.

Overall, I’m hoping to add about 20,000 words to the entire project. That could very well be the outline of the story itself. Like I said, the key is to WRITE.

Sure, there are a few roadblocks in the way:

  • Spiderman comes out Tuesday

  • Fireworks

  • Stranger Things is released Thursday

  • I have a Conference in Denver at the end of July

So realistically, I have 27 days to get in 20,000 words. That’s 740 words a day.

Easy peasy!

Join me at writing camp:

Join me at writing camp: