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Ohmygoodness a newsletter?


A million years ago, when I was in grade school, I attempted to create a fan-based newsletter. I’m pretty sure it was for Rick Springfield or Duran Duran. I remember cutting out pictures in magazines, writing (by hand) information about Rick or Simon, or whoever I was in love with at the time. I usually included lyrics to songs or information I found in Tiger Beat magazine. It was very rudimentary — there was no internet, no google, just me, and whatever tangible things I had around my room. I had no means to copy and distribute it, so it was a short-lived project.

In college, I joined the student-run radio station and was pleasantly surprised to see the current station manager putting together a newsletter for the radio staff. Again, being the late-80’s, I saw him cutting out radio charts from magazines and typing up lists of current station management. Then, he photocopied each page and stapled them in packets, distributing them at our weekly meetings. I immediately offered to help.


Well, here we are in 2020. I’ve started my own company, I’ve “finished” the book (cover art pending and about a zillion other steps I need to take to upload the darn thing), and as I dive into the world of self-publishing, I find myself facing a task I never thought I’d perform again.

I’m creating a newsletter.

Now, truth be told, pictures of my adorable pooches will probably take the spotlight there. And let’s be honest, it’s what the people want. But as I’m in the throes of learning all about the massive undertaking that is self-publishing, this newsletter just might be the one thing that’s getting me really excited. I’m finding out that newsletters are not about selling the book. Okay, of course, they are but really it’s about getting the chance to interact with your readers/friends. And a lot of you out there know how much I like to entertain!

So, if you’re looking for something to read while you’re, I don’t know, in the bathroom at work and maybe stalling so you don’t have to go back to your desk, then please subscribe. I promise not to be a PITA (come on, you know what that stands for), yes there will be pictures of Stella and Louie, and I will even give some free stuff away. Can’t wait to share it!

XO Kelly