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Love is in the air...and in my ears

Here are 5 of my favorite love songs right now:

Summer Romance - Tim Minchin

I am obsessed with this song right now. I saw him on CBS last Saturday morning. Normally, he creates fun little tunes that are wildly offensive (so yeah, I love those too) but this time, he’s created a more serious album. I adore him and was equally impressed by his role as Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar.

Gravity - Sarah Barielles

While her song "Between the Lines” was an inspirational part of Tame My Racing Heart, this song moves me…especially when she belts it out at the end.

Hurricane - Emerson Hart

One of the best shows I ever saw was Tonic, with K’s Choice and The Verve Pipe. At the end of the concert, all three bands got on stage and performed Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and it was a religious experience, to say the least. In the last couple of years, I’ve obsessed over Tonic’s lead singer, Emerson Hart, and his solo stuff. The first time we went to Nashville, we drove around listening to his music. This song was a great soundtrack to drive to.

River - Leon Bridges

There’s a moment in the miniseries Big Little Lies, when this song comes on and it’s so poignant. A friend of ours got married a few years ago and this was the first song they danced to.

How Long Will I Love You - Ellie Goulding

The first time I heard this song, tears formed in my eyes. It’s a love letter.

I could list a hundred more love songs, but for now, enjoy these five.