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Shifting Gears

That blog title is a little nod to my one and only published book. If you know, you know.

A few days ago, I had a personal revelation that was both liberating and transformative: I'm finally letting go of my goal to write another book, and I'm entirely okay with it.

For as long as I can remember, writing has been my passion. The idea of crafting stories, painting pictures with words, and sharing my imagination with the world filled me with an indescribable sense of purpose. I spent countless hours honing my craft, pouring my heart and soul into manuscripts, and dreaming of seeing my name on the cover of a book. I'm thrilled that I accomplished that goal a few years ago, and publishing Tame My Racing Heart will always be a source of pride for me. The copies I have on my shelf next to the matching poster are coveted and priceless.

Writing for me was never about fame or fortune; it's been about self-expression, creativity, and connection. Over the last few years, my time at the keyboard to work on different novels has been few and far between, and I've found myself dreading what it would take to fix things I've already written. My heart wasn't in it, and what's that phrase? If you do something you love, it'll never feel like work. Well, it all felt like work. Daunting, painful work.

So, I questioned myself one more time: What if I just stopped?

Then I decided, well, it would be okay. Gone went the guilt; away went the binders and notebooks of materials on each story. All in a box marked stories that I can always revisit, but I will be okay if the lid stays closed.

The whole concept has been incredibly liberating.

So, now what?

Well, I'm glad you asked. Writing will probably still be a creative outlet for me. I'm even considering a series of blogs, topics unknown at this point, but the point is, it could be something else entirely. No matter what, I intend to find something creative to fill my soul.

I hope you'll stick around as I reinvent what that all means. I’m sure I’ll pop back in and blog about it. Meanwhile, remember, it's never too late to redefine your dreams and pursue what truly sets your soul on fire.