Kelly Duff February 20, 2014 "The Mom Project" Kelly Duff February 20, 2014 The following are excerpts from "Call Me When You Get There…”
Kelly Duff February 17, 2014 Weathering the Weather Kelly Duff February 17, 2014 It's just another snowy day in Chicago.
Kelly Duff January 5, 2014 An Interview with...Me Kelly Duff January 5, 2014 I've always said, if you want something done right…
Kelly Duff December 31, 2013 A Year in the Life or 2013: The Year of Accomplishing $h!t Kelly Duff December 31, 2013 Like most bloggers in these last few day of 2013…
Kelly Duff December 14, 2013 Don't Judge a Book Reader by her Cover... Kelly Duff December 14, 2013 I have a confession to make.
Kelly Duff December 5, 2013 Same Old Story... Kelly Duff December 5, 2013 It's been 602 days since I've had a drink…
Kelly Duff November 29, 2013 NaNoWriMo 2013 Completed! Kelly Duff November 29, 2013 Consistency - keeping my butt in the chair at all costs…
Kelly Duff October 27, 2013 If Memory Serves…last blog before NaNoWriMo Kelly Duff October 27, 2013 If I don't write this down RIGHT NOW, I'll forget.
Kelly Duff October 13, 2013 Don Jon - a romantic movie about the love of porn - November 12, 2013 Kelly Duff October 13, 2013 Forget Gravity, and Captain Tom Hanks whatever-its-called.
Kelly Duff September 30, 2013 I write therefore I am... Kelly Duff September 30, 2013 Fresh off the Chicago Writers Conference…
Kelly Duff September 8, 2013 Child-free Living...aka Why I Love My Life and There's Nothing Wrong with Me Kelly Duff September 8, 2013 Sometimes, I imagine what people must think…
Kelly Duff August 29, 2013 The Music Muse...part three Kelly Duff August 29, 2013 Lately, my iPhone has been filled with several of my musical obsessions.