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Tis the season

In prior years, this would be my down time. I'd have just finished NaNoWriMo - tapping out 50,000 words in the month of November - and this would be my month to lounge (after all the shopping, wrapping, and partying is done). I usually end the year with the last two weeks off from work where I sleep in, lay around and do a whole lotta nothing.

This year, however, we went to Bangkok in November, I skipped NaNoWriMo and I took a break from writing. Knowing I have one sweep left on my current novel and two weeks off ahead of me, December has now become the month to bust ass.

If anything, I want to finish the current revisions, self-publish and move on to the next project. I have several almost-finished novels to choose from. I realize this is rare for a lot of writers but I've been multi-tasking/writing all year. I get easily distracted by the new and shiny so I have several other works-in-progress I will edit (eventually) and publish.

Still, December is a time for reflection and damn skippy this has been one helluva year. Just looking back at my wall calendar at work I see that I've accomplished and experienced quite a bit in 2014:

- took a StoryStudio class on creative writing

- went to several "writers critique" sessions

- spent an extraordinary amount of cherished time with family and friends

- saw the Broken Bells (twice), Imagine Dragons, Jillian Michaels, Ghost BC, Elbow, Eddie Izzard, Marc Maron, Die Antwoord, Thrill Kill, Monty Python, and braved one day at Lollapalooza

- I traveled to San Diego (for my birthday), New York (for my wedding anniversary), Michigan (for a long weekend with the hubby/pups) and Bangkok (for a trip of a lifetime)

- I got to read a story onstage in front of an audience

- I made new friends

- I changed my hair color (a lot LOL)

- I celebrated three years working for my employer

- I completed a 5K

- I went to a writers conference, an art show, and re-fell in love with David Bowie

Can make ya kind of dizzy if you include all the extraneous things I am not disclosing. LOL

I've decided to forgo making any resolutions other than "doing what makes me happy." In the words of Warren Zevon, I intend to "enjoy every sandwich." 

Happy Holidays and see you in 2015!