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Mid-Week Blog: Bookmarked Favorites (#2)

Two items to check out this week that can help any writer on their journey. One more technical, the other is just plain fun.

The Write Life (

Whether you blog, write fiction, are looking to self-publish or want to market your book, The Write Life is a wealth of information in one fabulous site.

I suggest signing up to receive their newsletter. You'll receive links to the latest blogs posted on The Write Life, plus on the site itself, you can access specific streams depending on your interest. With links to blogs on Craft, Blogging, and Self-Publishing, you'll find tons of tips and tools to help you move your writing forward.

For example, let's say you blog, like me, and you want to add photos. The Write Life offers recently published a blog about 10 Places to Find Awesome Stock Photos

Are you struggling to get people to read your insightful, humorous, and brilliant work? Check out How to Be a Successful Blogger on The Write Life. Chuck Sambuchino (you should know him!) gives great advice on how to give your audience incentive to read your post. Let's see if his advice works when I share this blog with the world. 

The Write Life has so many facets of information.

If you wrote a novel, do you wonder how to get a book blurb

Do you struggle with managing your time, or like me, focusing on writing without distractions?

Do you wonder how to query agents?

You can find pretty much every answer to any question you may have. The Write Life is filled with short, concise articles that will help you on your journey to writing success.

Now, for more fun...

Pinterest (my page:

Time to play a little!

I love, love, love making Pinterest boards for my novels.

If you haven't had the chance to fall down the rabbit hole, then you MUST check it out. 

Pinterest is not just for writers. On my page, I have created boards for my novels, but also hairstyles I like, shopping, tattoos, skulls and adorable puppies. It's a place to find inspiration and even a recipe or two (or a million!).

I love using Pinterest for my novels because it's all about world-building. What do my characters look like? What cars do they drive? What clothes do they wear? Admittedly, most of my characters look like celebrities. It's as if I were casting the movie and these are the people that would play the part.

I could spend hours building the environment of my novels here. Not to mention, looking at other boards from writers I love to read. 

Hopefully these are a few things that might prove helpful to you. I can always be reached to provide better understanding of the above via