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Wait, it's already February?

I forgot to blog in January. Just. Plain. Forgot.

Looking back at my last blog of 2017, I wrote:

Anything I attempt to tackle in 2018 falls under the "awesome umbrella."

Even if I attempt to do absolutely nothing. LOL.

I guess I was just being lazy the first month of the year. Therefore, I've exceeded all expectations!

Still, I need to be better with planning my time.

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Calendars, next to journals, are one of my favorite things. You know, the ones you actually write in using an old fashioned pen? While I do put things in Outlook for myself, work and personal, there's nothing like an old school planner. I get super excited when it's time to buy a new one each year.

I always keep one on the island in my kitchen where I park all the important stuff in my life (purse, backpack and jacket hung on the chair). It's the corner of the house where I leave myself notes, create lists for the grocery store, keep that important piece of paper I don't want to lose or forget about. And for years, I used a rather large monthly calendar. There must be something about visually seeing it every day that reminds me of the important dates and events coming up. Plus, whenever my sis comes over, she leaves funny little notes in them that I find later. 

When I was in the market for my 2018 calendar, I thought about buying something I could use to help me manage my life better. Lately, I find myself drawn to the goal-setter type of calendar. I have the ARC system from Staples but I grew tired of carrying around the equivalent of a small binder with me. Then I checked out a nicely bound planner, like a moleskin journal. It offers areas for daily goals, gratitude and things you're excited about. Some even let you jot down an end of day review. Some have places for "best moment of the day" and "things I can improve." They look really cool but there's so much work involved, I'd have to schedule time in my planner to fill out my planner. 

For now, I like this smaller monthly calendar with the llamas on the front. I bought it in the small store in my office building. It takes up less space, and is used for only the most important events--and notes from my sis. Plus it's cute!

I guess it's time to schedule the remaining blogs of 2018 in that darn thing.

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