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Where Did You Go, Summertime?

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Here we sit, mid-September already.

How is it the summer moves so quickly, yet winter seems to drag on like a workday that just won’t end?

Oh wait, that’s right. Chicago.

I’ve already started preparing for NaNoWriMo by diving headfirst into Save The Cat Writes A Novel, A resource that truly helps put a story into perspective via story beats. Along with The Story Grid, I’ve found I’m able to fix the stuff I’ve already written (man, lots and lots of words) plus look at the rest of the story (which I’ve plotted out in my mind mostly) to create a complete novel. My goal by November is to finish the outline so I may write all the stuff I haven’t written yet and complete the damn thing.

Lofty goals? Sure. But it won’t keep me from trying.

That said, I’m looking for beta readers before I set on my NaNoWriMo adventure to see if I’m, at least, on the right path with “The Girl Who Didn’t Go.”.

If you’re interested in reading what I have so far, please email me at I’ll send you a password to a secret spot on my site, that will allow you to follow along with what I’m writing, as I’m writing it.

Feedback is truly appreciated!

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