We’re almost done with 2020 and thanks to having a lot more time on my hands this year, I've not only finished writing my first full-length novel, I’ve also had the opportunity to read some great books.
In 2015, several weeks after we lost our dear boy, Buster, my hubby and I went on a trip to Marco Island. We needed to get away, grieve, and decompress from the great loss of our lives.
The world is currently in the middle of a global pandemic and we’re under a stay at home order from the government to “socially distance” ourselves from others.
I started writing this with the intent of sharing my reluctance toward entering a new decade of life. Never did I think I’d celebrate turning 50 during a global pandemic. But 50, itself, just seemed like an impossibility.
We’re about to close out 2019 and wow, it’s been a year! I had to pull out my calendar and remind myself just how much I had experienced, how much had changed, and what stayed the same. Here’s the skinny…